Turn In/Turn OnLyrata BarrettJul 19, 2020These were words echoing in my ear recently after a meditation. For me itmeant: tune out the noise that imprisons us in external awareness causingimbalance, stress and distancing us from true being. Most of what fills ourlives in our waking day move us further away from this truth. ConnectinwardlyWhat is our true being?The answer may be obvious to many, but we live in unstable timeseverything is changing. The only thing normal right now is change. Eventswe thought would never occur are being evidenced weekly, two plus two canequal something other than four, world balances and powers are at the mostunstable point we have seen. There is a changing of the guard planetarily, anew configuration or template is coming into form for our world.But to answer the question our true being is what we attune to when weconnect with ourselves free from outside distraction. We connect with ourtrue being when we draw, paint, play music. We especially at-one with ourgreater and greater layers of our inner being when we meditate. Our truebeing is our inner essence, our soul. Our true being is who we really are andwhat we are here to do. This goes beyond earning a living in any old job.Obviously, we have a long way to go to reach this goal. But, believe it ornot, we are on the upswing. The ongoing unrest and chaos we arewitnessing is our planet’s evolutionary trajectory as we all begin to awakento what is true, what is false and who we want to be and what we reallywant to orient ourselves to in life.Fortunately, we have within our planet a constant, an inherent stateprogrammed into our world that cannot be changed, that being, a DivinePlan for the evolutionary development of humanity to awaken, and throughthat awakening, to shift to higher and higher frequencies of consciousness.The next evolutionary step for humanity is soul orientation. Can youimagine us as a collective anchored in Soul awareness?This shift will see us no longer operating solely from personality, rather weare shifting to Soul. That is, the Soul will be using the personality as it’sinstrument in full consciousness.We will become soul-embodied beings allowing the personality to becomethe vehicle for the soul to shine through, resulting in a life lived as acollective on a much higher frequency and an awareness that as beings onthis planet we are One Group within many bodies. Can you imagine how life will be? It would result in a completely different world. Eventually, we canarrive at a place where we no longer need to learn through pain, sufferingand duality.Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said;“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”We are spiritual beings for we are imbued with the divine spark of Divine.What distinguishes us as humans is that Divine Spark of Soul orconsciousness within us.Pierre Teilhard de Chardin also said;“To say that Christ is the term and motive force of evolution, to say that hemanifests himself as 'evolver' is implicitly to recognize that he becomes attainable in and through the whole process of evolution.”This is the process underlying the restless quaking of our present world.There is purpose behind it as we shift from the Piscean age into the Aquarianage. As such, though troubling, we chose to be here at this time. Then letus facilitate and assist the changes that need to come and realize there isnothing to fear, regardless of appearances, but much work has yet to bedone.So how does this happen and what can we do to help the planet along?Step 1:Read, join spiritual classes and study groups. Get to know who you reallyare. Learn to meditate, spend time with yourself in silence, read and journal.Spend time in nature. Record your dreams. Therein the importance of theworldwide Mindfulness movement, meditation, Yoga, Tai Chi and Qi Gong.The popularity of these disciplines is no coincidence. These are practicesthat connect you deeper with yourself, quiet your mind, work with youretheric field, strengthen your immune system and build the pranic energyaround you. Remedies resurface at a time of world need. These aretechniques designed to connect us with our inner selves.We seek to know everything about our external world. We are so good atremembering random details, titles, names, history. But we are often afraidto be alone with ourselves in silence. They are both important. Knowingyour internal world informs your external world. What going on internallycreates your external environment.Step 2: Reach for something than bigger than yourself.We all have a reason for being on this planet at this time. We all have apurpose that exceeds anything we can imagine. We all are part of a greatpuzzle and each piece is extremely important. No one else’s piece is likeyours. No other piece can take your place. Your soul knows why you arehere and what you are here to do. Listen to what inspires you and holdsgreat passion for you and follow that direction for it will guide you to yourgreater purpose.Step 3: Serve othersWork to serve others. Our human family needs love, kindness andcompassion and respect in every way. Give to others your light, your smile,your love, your peace, your knowledge, your wisdom, your care. It willignite and change the world.Step 4: Know YourselfBecome aware of your triggers.Learn to speak your truth kindly.Know your intention before you speak.Know that what you need is within your reach.At this moment in our world we are at a point of extreme pressure andstresses necessary for the new world to take shape. The ability to tune outthe external noise and turn on internally is not only for our survival, but it isa way to build a strong inner temple. We are only at the brink of change.Open to who you are. Open to what is going on inside spiritually, mentally,emotionally and physically.Open to the depths behind the façade rather than just the facade.Know you are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more toreveal.Let’s attune to that part of ourselves that has been watching us for lifetimeswaiting for us to wake up and connect – our Soul.Then we can better assist the planet as it too seeks to evolve.
These were words echoing in my ear recently after a meditation. For me itmeant: tune out the noise that imprisons us in external awareness causingimbalance, stress and distancing us from true being. Most of what fills ourlives in our waking day move us further away from this truth. ConnectinwardlyWhat is our true being?The answer may be obvious to many, but we live in unstable timeseverything is changing. The only thing normal right now is change. Eventswe thought would never occur are being evidenced weekly, two plus two canequal something other than four, world balances and powers are at the mostunstable point we have seen. There is a changing of the guard planetarily, anew configuration or template is coming into form for our world.But to answer the question our true being is what we attune to when weconnect with ourselves free from outside distraction. We connect with ourtrue being when we draw, paint, play music. We especially at-one with ourgreater and greater layers of our inner being when we meditate. Our truebeing is our inner essence, our soul. Our true being is who we really are andwhat we are here to do. This goes beyond earning a living in any old job.Obviously, we have a long way to go to reach this goal. But, believe it ornot, we are on the upswing. The ongoing unrest and chaos we arewitnessing is our planet’s evolutionary trajectory as we all begin to awakento what is true, what is false and who we want to be and what we reallywant to orient ourselves to in life.Fortunately, we have within our planet a constant, an inherent stateprogrammed into our world that cannot be changed, that being, a DivinePlan for the evolutionary development of humanity to awaken, and throughthat awakening, to shift to higher and higher frequencies of consciousness.The next evolutionary step for humanity is soul orientation. Can youimagine us as a collective anchored in Soul awareness?This shift will see us no longer operating solely from personality, rather weare shifting to Soul. That is, the Soul will be using the personality as it’sinstrument in full consciousness.We will become soul-embodied beings allowing the personality to becomethe vehicle for the soul to shine through, resulting in a life lived as acollective on a much higher frequency and an awareness that as beings onthis planet we are One Group within many bodies. Can you imagine how life will be? It would result in a completely different world. Eventually, we canarrive at a place where we no longer need to learn through pain, sufferingand duality.Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said;“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.”We are spiritual beings for we are imbued with the divine spark of Divine.What distinguishes us as humans is that Divine Spark of Soul orconsciousness within us.Pierre Teilhard de Chardin also said;“To say that Christ is the term and motive force of evolution, to say that hemanifests himself as 'evolver' is implicitly to recognize that he becomes attainable in and through the whole process of evolution.”This is the process underlying the restless quaking of our present world.There is purpose behind it as we shift from the Piscean age into the Aquarianage. As such, though troubling, we chose to be here at this time. Then letus facilitate and assist the changes that need to come and realize there isnothing to fear, regardless of appearances, but much work has yet to bedone.So how does this happen and what can we do to help the planet along?Step 1:Read, join spiritual classes and study groups. Get to know who you reallyare. Learn to meditate, spend time with yourself in silence, read and journal.Spend time in nature. Record your dreams. Therein the importance of theworldwide Mindfulness movement, meditation, Yoga, Tai Chi and Qi Gong.The popularity of these disciplines is no coincidence. These are practicesthat connect you deeper with yourself, quiet your mind, work with youretheric field, strengthen your immune system and build the pranic energyaround you. Remedies resurface at a time of world need. These aretechniques designed to connect us with our inner selves.We seek to know everything about our external world. We are so good atremembering random details, titles, names, history. But we are often afraidto be alone with ourselves in silence. They are both important. Knowingyour internal world informs your external world. What going on internallycreates your external environment.Step 2: Reach for something than bigger than yourself.We all have a reason for being on this planet at this time. We all have apurpose that exceeds anything we can imagine. We all are part of a greatpuzzle and each piece is extremely important. No one else’s piece is likeyours. No other piece can take your place. Your soul knows why you arehere and what you are here to do. Listen to what inspires you and holdsgreat passion for you and follow that direction for it will guide you to yourgreater purpose.Step 3: Serve othersWork to serve others. Our human family needs love, kindness andcompassion and respect in every way. Give to others your light, your smile,your love, your peace, your knowledge, your wisdom, your care. It willignite and change the world.Step 4: Know YourselfBecome aware of your triggers.Learn to speak your truth kindly.Know your intention before you speak.Know that what you need is within your reach.At this moment in our world we are at a point of extreme pressure andstresses necessary for the new world to take shape. The ability to tune outthe external noise and turn on internally is not only for our survival, but it isa way to build a strong inner temple. We are only at the brink of change.Open to who you are. Open to what is going on inside spiritually, mentally,emotionally and physically.Open to the depths behind the façade rather than just the facade.Know you are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more toreveal.Let’s attune to that part of ourselves that has been watching us for lifetimeswaiting for us to wake up and connect – our Soul.Then we can better assist the planet as it too seeks to evolve.